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From Life

The actor revealed

During the global pandemic, as a theater company member, I witnessed first-hand the cultural, intellectual and emotional losses due to the closing of performing arts. Experimental small theaters companies are the lifeblood of the city, they are more nimble and relevant as they can take more risks. Trap Door Theater is a space committed to challenging and obscure work through diverse voices using established and imaginative techniques reflecting the absurdities of today’s society. The director of the play, “Monsieur d’Eon is a Woman,” practiced conscious casting, void of race or assigned genders. This infectious ensemble touched me at the core and inspired a current series of the subject “the actor revealed”.



THE ACTOR REVEALED/ in the spot light

INISPIRED FROM LIFE -- click on image for full version

Inspered from Life

I see a human moment for a split second, that is already gone, but stays in my mind. I record these moments in my sketchbook, that I laler recreate in my studio."

Works with Light source

Just like a memory has missing pieces, these paintings change too as the light gets stronger in the background. The paintings are on loosely woven linen primed only under the characters, the surrounding is created without continuous solid paint, through the resulting gaps light can come through from behind. 

Attitudes and Emotions

"In my portraits of emotions I capture personal inner experiences as well as moments that I observe, the features are born as a result of the characters' micro expressions."

"Tell it all" series

A gallery of smaller works about of a group of women coming together over cocktails to share their stories.

Nore here, nore there

A series born of the grief caused my best friend's untimely passing. Filled with confusing emotions of her almost tangible presence that mixed with the innate emptiness that she left behind I let these paintings outpour of me.




ATTITUDES AND EMOTIONS-- click on image for full version

Attitudes and emotion

TELL IT ALL-- click on image for full version

Tell it All

NOR HERE, NORE THERE-- click on image for full version

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